Bachelor's program of healthcare management includes 180 ECTS credits, 60/60/60 ECTS credits per year, 26/34 per semester; 30/30; 30/30 ECTS credits. Accordingly, the standard term of the bachelor's program is 3 years, and the permissible term is 5 years. After the expiration of the bachelor's program in Healthcare Management, a student with academic debt has the right to continue studying for additional semesters (no more than 4 semesters) in order to complete the educational program, while maintaining student status.
The academic year is structured according to the semester principle: autumn and spring semesters include 20 calendar weeks, therefore the academic year is planned for 40 weeks. In addition, it is possible to organize an 8-week summer semester, where the student can accumulate a maximum of 15 ECTS credits (ie, a total of no more than 75 credits per year).
1 ECTS credit is equal to 25 hours, which includes both the contact workload of the bachelor (lecture, seminar, practicum, practice, etc.) and the time for his independent work.
The bachelor's program allows the student to take both the main specialty (major) courses (compulsory and optional) as well as free credits of no more than 20 credits from the general courses offered by the university.
180 credits are distributed as follows Main field of study:
- 55 credits are from the compulsory module of the specialty;
- 50 credits are from the optional module of the specialty;
- 15 credits are from practical and research modules;
Free components:
- 40 credits are for general university courses;
- 20 free credits from any of the undergraduate courses offered by the university.
The wide range of required and optional courses of the curriculum allows the bachelor to plan the courses necessary to achieve the below general and sectoral competencies, taking into account the individual career perspective. In order to achieve the mentioned competencies, the components of the healthcare management program include mandatory and optional course modules.
The general university module consists of general courses. General undergraduate courses are interdisciplinary and serve to broaden students' horizons. Courses can be thematic or focused on the multifaceted study of a single problem. Courses should develop the student's ability to argue, analyze, pose and solve problems. Some of the general courses include critical thinking, precalculus/calculus, business economics, academic writing, English, and information technology basics, or building students' competency levels that are the foundation for both successful scientific research and communication. As a result of passing the general module, the student collects 40 credits. Accordingly, the intellectual horizon of the student expands. The student acquires the habits necessary for continuous learning.
The program is divided into 5 main parts:
- General university compulsory module, which consists of 40 credits
- The module of compulsory courses, which ensure the development of basic knowledge, skills and competences necessary for working in the field; it consists of 11 courses, 55 credits in total
- Module of optional courses, which ensure the development of additional knowledge and competences, the student chooses 10 courses from the 22 courses offered and accumulates 50 credits
- Educational practical and research components, where the student earns 15 credits
- Free credits, 20 credits, respectively 4 courses
See Program.