Program Structure

The bachelor’s degree education program in healthcare management includes 240 ECTS credits. The estimated duration of the program is 4 years. The academic year is structured according to the semester principle: Autumn and spring semesters include 20 calendar weeks; therefore, the academic year is planned for 40 weeks. 1 ECTS credit is equal to 25 hours, which includes both the student's contact workload and their independent work (time for midterm and final exams, as well as homework preparation).


After the program's duration has concluded, a student with academic debts retains the right to continue their studies for additional semesters, (not more than 4) in order to complete the educational program, while maintaining the status of a student.


The program is structurally divided into general university, business, healthcare, free credits and research modules.


In turn, each module is divided into the following components:


  • General university module 50 ECTS credits Business module includes 55 ECTS credits, of which 5 subjects (30 credits - 6 credits each) are compulsory, and 5 subjects (25 credits) are optional;
  • 95 credits of the healthcare module are divided into 8 compulsory (40 credits) and 11 optional subjects (55 credits);
  • 20 free credits, 4 subjects (5 credits each);
  • Research components, 20 credits in total - teaching practice and bachelor's thesis (10-10 credits).