The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Business Administration comprises 180 credits. The first course with 60 ECTS, the second course 60 ECTS, the third course 60 ECTS. Consequently, the standard official duration of the Bachelor’s Degree Program is three years. Each academic year is based on the semester principle, with each semester comprising 20 academic weeks; hence, each academic year is scheduled for 40 weeks. 1 ECTS equals to 25 hours, which includes class hours and time spent on independent work (midterm and final examinations, as well as homework assignments).
After expiration of the standard duration of the Bachelor’s Degree Academic Program, the students having academic debts, with the view of completing the program, are allowed to continue education through additional semesters (no more than 4) by retaining the student’s status. The Bachelor’s program is envisaged as the main field of study and free components learning courses:
Learning courses of main field of study (130/135 ECTS credits):
- Mandatory learning courses of Business Administration-100/105 ECTS credits;
- Mandatory learning courses of concentration-25 ECTS credits;
- Optional learning courses of concentration-5 ECTS.
Learning courses of free component (50/45 ECTS credits):
- Mandatory learning courses of university- 30 ECTS credits;
- Optional learning couses of university-5/10 ECTS credits;
- Free credits- 10 ECTS credits.
English language in the program is divided into general and professional modules. The share of both modules are 20 ECTS out of 180 ECTS.
In case foreign students prove their knowledge of general English by any document, they can earn this credit studying Georgian language. In Case they know Georgian as well, they can earn credits based on free credits principle.
If a foreign resident does not speak the Georgian language and is unable to confirm their knowledge of the English language through documentary evidence, they have the right to take the Georgian language exam on the principle of free credits.