Title of the Program: PhD in Marketing
Duration: 3 years
Teaching Language: English
Content: 60 ECTS credits and a research component
Overview of the Program:
Caucasus University has wide experience of conducting PhD programs over the years. The University has been delivering PhD program in Business Administration in partnership with foreign counterparts for more than 10 years. In accordance with modern standards and demand, relevant PhD program in Marketing was established.
The PhD. Program in Marketing reflects the mission, vision, and values of the Caucasus University, as well as of the business school. The program takes into account the requirements of the local labor market, the successful experience of Marketing doctoral programs implemented by local and foreign universities, as well as the development trends in Marketing field of study, mainly focused on Consumer Behavior and Digital or Branding strategy. The main objectives of the program are:
- Preparation of Qualified Researchers: Prepare students to be proficient researchers in the field of marketing, capable of applying contemporary theories and research methodologies to address and solve complex problems in consumer behavior and digital or strategic marketing.
- Development of Research Competencies: Train students to independently plan and conduct original research using relevant quantitative and qualitative methods, ensuring the use of reliable data for impactful studies.
- Advancement of Knowledge through Critical Analysis: Encourage students to critically analyze and evaluate research findings, enabling them to formulate original conclusions and develop theoretically and practically significant recommendations for innovative solutions to marketing challenges.
- Enhancement of Teaching Proficiency: Equip students with advanced pedagogical skills, ensuring they are prepared to effectively transfer knowledge in various academic and professional settings through the best teaching methods available.
- Ethical Academic Practices: Instill high standards of academic integrity and ethical norms in students, ensuring that they conduct and disseminate research with integrity and respect for the scholarly community.
- International Integration: Prepare students to actively participate and integrate into the international academic community, enhancing their regional perspective and networking capabilities in marketing and related fields.
These goals are crafted to ensure that graduates of the PhD program in Marketing are not only experts in their field but also ethical, globally aware, and effective educators and communicators who can contribute significantly to both academic and business sectors in Georgia.
Degree Awarded: PhD in Marketing.