Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (grades I-VI).
Caucasus Education School plans to implement the project "Cycle of Public Lectures 2022 - Primary education and key competencies for lifelong learning" within the framework of the bachelor’s and master’s teacher training program from June 29 to July 29, 2022, which is carried out within the framework of the third mission of Caucasus University, which means the contribution of the university to the economic growth of the country and the development of the society, a service to the society.
The topics of public lectures are fully based on the EU Council Recommendation of 22 May 2018 (2018 / C 189/01) on key competences for lifelong learning [1]; It states that everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire the skills that enable them to participate fully in society and make successful transitions in the labor market ("European pillar of social rights"). Everyone has the right to "receive timely and demand-based assistance to improve employment, training and retraining prospects for employment or self-employment, to facilitate continuing education and job search."
Therefore, the aim of the project is to educate future primary school teachers and the educational community about the importance of developing key learning competencies in early life in adolescents, to promote the formation of correct public opinion on target competencies and to find optimal ways to implement them in the daily teaching-learning process.
Caucasus Education School implemented a similar project in 2020 and 2021: "Digital Literacy and the Challenges of Primary Education Teacher Training in the New Georgian Reality"; "Education Challenges" - Public Lecture Cycle - 2021 (for relevant reports see:
Public lectures are designed for students of the Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (grades I-VI).
The following can also participate in the project:
- Entrants interested in pedagogy;
- Practicing teachers;
- School principals and board representatives;
- Those interested in education policy.
Those wishing to participate should register at the link.
Public lectures will be held in online format, using the Zoom platform, the link of which will be available after registration to those who wish to participate.
Lectures will be conducted in an interactive mode. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, and the duration of the lecture will be 90 minutes. Detailed information about the public lecture can be found on the Caucasus University Facebook page:
Hosts of public lectures, topics and schedule
29.06.2022 - Key to Lifelong Learning Competencies - Essence, Significance and Challenges
Anastasia Kitiashvili, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Tbilisi State University; Senior Skills Development and Youth Expert - EU project "Skills4Jobs TA Project- Technical Support for the Development of Knowledge and Skills tailored to the needs of the labor market and employment".
Aluda Goglichidze, Associate Professor at Caucasus University, Dean of the Caucasus Education School. Head of the Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (grades I-VI).
01.07.2022 - Literacy (reading and writing) competence
Paata Papava, Associate Professor at Caucasus University, Member of the Board of Caucasus Education School, Literacy Expert, Founder of TEAMBOAT.
Irma Chartia, Doctor of Social Sciences, Principal of Tbilisi Public School # 29, Philologist, Leading Teacher.
05.07.2022 - Competence in multilingualism
Kakha Gabunia, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, TSU, Head of the Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Program in Multilingual Education; Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Center for Civic Integration and Interethnic Relations.
Manana Kapetivadze, English Language Mentor Teacher, Baghdati Public School # 2, Manager of Baghdati Innovation Center, National Teacher Award 2018 Winner
08.07.2022 - Competence in Mathematics and Competence in Natural Sciences, Technologies and Engineering
Davit Songhulashvili, Professor at the Georgian Technical University; Head of the Center for Virtual Modeling and Design at the University.
Maia Zibzibadze, Affiliated Associate Professor at Caucasus University, Member of the Board of Caucasus Education School; Biology expert-consultant of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development.
12.07.2022 - Digital competence
Nana Dikhaminjia, Director of the Digital Transformation Center at Alte University.
Giorgi Jologua, Associate Professor at the Caucasus School of Media, Head of the Scientific Research Center.
15.07.2022 - Personal, social and learning to learn competence
Pavle Tvaliashvili, founder of Sika, representative of international projects iEARN, ENO, Diamond Challenge in Georgia.
Tea Lobzhanidze, International Values of Life Program Coordinator in Georgia. Invited specialist of the Parliament of Georgia Training Center;
19.07.2022 - Competence of cultural awareness and expression
Shalva Tabatadze, Associate Professor at Caucasus University, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Civic Integration and Interethnic Relations.
Revaz Abkhazava, Associate Professor at Caucasus University, Education Advocacy Officer and Board Member of the Education for All Coalition.
22.07.2022 - Entrepreneurial competence
Giorgi Isakadze, Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Georgia; Leading Editor of Business Media Georgia (BMG)
Ekaterine Gegeshidze, Professor at the University of Georgia, Junior Achievement (JA) Executive Director in Georgia.
26.07.2022 - Competence of citizenship
Natia Natsvlishvili, Associate Professor at Caucasus University; Member of the Education Committee Bureau of the Council of Europe, Expert on Democratic Citizenship. USAID Deputy Director of Civic Education Program.
Maka Bibileishvili, Executive Director of the Civic Education Teachers Forum; Deputy director of Academician I. Vekua Physics and Mathematics Tbilisi Public School # 42, Civic Education Teacher.
29.07.2022 - Target competencies and the teacher’s role: challenges
Aluda Goglichidze Associate Professor at Caucasus University, Dean of Caucasus Education School; Head of the Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (grades I-VI).
Archil Sumbadze, Member of the Board of the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders; Academic Director of Buckswood International School.
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