Aluda Goglichidze
- Faculty of Social Sciences (Georgian Institute of Public Affairs);
- Faculty of Economics (Tbilisi State University).
Associate Professor of Caucasus University; Head of the Integrated Bachelor’s- Master’s Program of Primary School Teacher of General Education (Initial Teacher Education or Training ITET).
Course Title:
- Education Policy;
- Conflict Management and Formation of Non-Violent Environment.
Giorgi Nozadze
- International Law Faculty (Moscow Institute of International Relations);
- Faculty of Mechanics-Mathematics (Tbilisi State University).
- Professor of Caucasus University, Co-head of the Integrated Bachelor’s- Master’s Program of Primary School Teacher of General Education; Coordinator in Mathematics.
Course Title:
- Methodology of Teaching Mathematics 1 (Primary);
- Methodology of Teaching Mathematics 2 (Primary);
- Innovative Methods of Teaching Mathematics on primary stage.
Paata Papava
- Faculty of Philosophy-Sociology (Tbilisi State University);
- Faculty of Education (Ilia Chavchavadze State University).
- Associate Professor of Caucasus University; Module Coordinator of the Integrated Bachelor’s- Master’s Program of Primary School Teacher of General Education.
Course Title:
- Development of Literacy Skills on the primary stage – Reading Strategies Working on a Text and Writing Strategies
Mariam Manjgaladze
Philology Department (Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University)
- Caucasus University; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Professor; Coordinator of Language and Literature Moduel Associate of the Integrated Bachelor’s-Master’s Program of Primary School Teacher of General Education;
- Expert at the Department of the Official Language.
Course Title:
- Georgian Grammar 1 (Issues of History of Literary Language; Phonetics, Phonology, Name Morphology);
- Georgian Grammar 2 (Verb Morphology, Spelling Rules);
- Georgian Grammar 3 (Syntaxes).
Maya Zibzibadze
- Faculty of Biology (Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University)
- Associate Professor of Caucasus University; Coordinator in Natural Sciences of the Integrated Bachelor’s- Master’s Program of Primary School Teacher of General Education;
- National Center for Teacher Professional Development;
- Expert-Consultant of the Thematic Group in Biology.
Course Title:
- Concept of Teaching Biology on Primary Level;
- Practical Approaches of Teaching Biology on the Primary Level;
- School Practice – 3 (Natural Sciences).
Nikoloz Silagadze
- Faculty of Humanities (Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University)
- Caucasus University Associate Professor; Coordinator of the Module of Social Sciences of the Integrated Bachelor’s- Master’s Program of Primary School Teacher of General Education;
- Coordinator of the National Curriculum Development of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia.
Course Title:
- Society and I (I and II parts);
- Our Georgia (I and II parts);
- School Practice 3 (Social Sciences).