The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Economics comprises 240 credits with 60 ECTS per year, 30 ECTS per semester. Consequently, the standard official duration of the Bachelor’s Degree Program is four years.


Possible allocation of 240ECTS envisaged by the Bachelor’s Degree Program is as follows:  162 ECTS of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Economics are assigned for developing competencies necessary for the profession, including:


30 ECTS – General University Courses

20 ECTS – the English Language

82 ECTS – field and professional obligatory courses

30 ECTS – Practice/research obligatory component


In addition to the 162 ECTS, the student is allowed to opt for the remaining 78 ECTS as follows: 10 ETCS from general university elective courses and 48 ETCS from professional elective curses and 20 ETCS from module of free credits and second foreign language.


See program.