Caucasus University Library Bookstock has been Added 40 copies of "Small Country in the International System" by Alexander Rondeli

21 May 2018

On May 21, Mr. Alexander Rondali's successor, Ms. Mariam Rondeli donated the Caucasus University library 40 copies of the book by Alexander Rondeli "The Little Country in the International System" (2003) stored in the bookstock of the International Relations Research Foundation (Rondeli Foundation).


Alexander Rondeli (1942 - 2015) is one of the founders and distinguished representatives of International Relations and modern Georgian International Relations and Diplomacy School. His works "Introduction to International Relations" and "Little Country in the International System" are a significant step towards strengthening Georgian statehood and understanding Georgia's place, role and sovereign rights in the international system.


To this day, students of International Relations and Diplomacy of the Georgian Higher Educational Institutions acquire their specialty by means of these fundamental, Georgian language textbooks. Aleksandre Rondeli's achievements and public legacy are an important guide to professional development in International Relations for Georgian students.