PhD Program in Law was created in 2009
The aim of the PD program is to prepare a new generation of researchers and academic personnel in Legal Studies, who will be able to facilitate to the field development through their theoretical knowledge, practical skills and affirmative, empirical research. The program is designed to allow PhD students to acquire field specific competencies as it is required by the National Qualification Framework. The program is oriented on developing and deepening legal analysis and interdisciplinary and critical skills.
The program was created in 2009; the last time it was accredited was in 2014. Since its launch in 2009 the program has been modified. Significant was the assistance provided by the School of Law of Tallinn University of Technology and Tinatin Tseretel Institute of State and Law.
Caucasus School of Law cooperates with the leading scientific centers and partner universities, which allows PhD students to fully realize their scientific potential.
The duration of study is 3 years. The PhD student unable to present his/her dissertation within the prescribed time limits is allowed to complete education in the next two years.
Out of all 180 credits, 60 ECTS is allocated for the learning component while the remaining 120 ECTS goes to scientific-research component.
The academic part of the program comprises four interdisciplinary courses (out of which two are compulsory and two optional) and two thematic seminars.
The PhD student shall publish two scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journal (one of which shall be published abroad) reflecting principle findings of his/her dissertation and participate in an international conference (where the PhD student shall make a report).
The PhD student can easily work and study simultaneously as the educational process at Caucasus School of Law starts at 7.00 pm. The PhD student determines his/her academic workload by himself/herself. The number of contact hours is limited to the minimum with major emphasis on independent work. The research part allows the PhD student to dedicate his/her time to research of his/her dissertation.
Within the framework of the program PhD students can participate in grant projects and win scholarship for pursuing their education abroad.
In the case the PhD student successfully defends his/her thesis, he/she is given an opportunity to find employment at Caucasus University with a high salary. More than 50 PhD students have already enrolled on the program. Among Doctoral students of Caucasus School of Law are judges of Tbilisi City court, outstanding lawyers, notaries and high-ranking public officials.