Spatial design, which involves knowledge of many aspects, is a challenging and at the same time interesting profession. Spatial design includes the interior design of both residential and public buildings, as well as the design and decoration of their constituent elements.
Initially, interior design was intended only for the decoration of rooms, but today its importance has expanded, which has increased the demand for professional interior designers. It is the purpose of this program to give the listener the basic, important and versatile and at the same time interesting knowledge needed to develop as a professional and perfect interior designer.
The program includes not only theoretical but also practical work that will help the listener to better master the profession. Through the course, participants will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.
The program will be led by experienced architects and interior designers who will share their experience with the listener through both theoretical and practical work.
Upon successful completion of the course, the trainee will receive a certificate from the Caucasus University Training Center (CUTC).