pre-acceleration first week

3 May 2023

Caucasus University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center’s startup pre-acceleration program "CUnicorn" has carried out its first week’s activities. The program participants were introduced to the main principles of creating and developing startup teams. Caucasus University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Director and the program mentor Giorgi Burduli led the first week’s activities.


The invited speaker, Tengiz Meskhi, who is Head of Growth at a London-based startup Pensight also shared his experience in creating and developing startup teams with the participants of “CUnicorn.”


Caucasus University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center’s startup pre-acceleration program "CUnicorn" aims to promote the development of tech startups at the university. The pre-acceleration program will be administered in a hybrid format (online and physical meetings), will cover 11 working weeks (April 2023 - July 2023), and consist of 5 main components: thematic working sessions; individual meetings with mentors; networking – P2P meetings, experience-sharing, guest speakers, and weekly stand-ups; use of common working space of Caucasus University; demo day – participating startups will pitch in front of a jury, where they will have the opportunity to win financial prizes/and other resources for growth and development.