
Erasmus+ financed exchnage program “PEERS International Credit Mobility”

Please be informed that the University of Minho, Portugal, together with two consortium partners: The University of Aveiro and the University of Evora, is announcing the Call for applications for the “PEERS International Credit Mobility” 4 month financed exchange program

Caucasus University Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project "Triangle Effect of European Studies at schools" (TEESS) in Marneuli Azerbaijan Public School

Caucasus University's Erasmus + Jean Monnet project "Triangle Effect of European Studies at schools" (TEESS) organized workshops in Marneuli  on February 17-18, 2021. Workshops were attended by middle and secondary stage students, their parents and teachers from Marneuli N3 Azerbaijan public school

Caucasus University Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project "Triangle Effect of European Studies at schools" (TEESS) in Marneuli Azerbaijan Public School

Caucasus University's Erasmus + Jean Monnet project "Triangle Effect of European Studies at schools" (TEESS) organized workshops in Marneuli  on February 17-18, 2021

Kakha Shengelia online meeting: "Success and justification"

On February 19, Dr. Kakha Shengelia, President of Caucasus University and the International Association of University Presidents, held an online meeting organized by the Student Parliament. Topic: "Success and justification"

A week dedicated to plagiarism prevention day

On February 8-17, Tamar Chokoraia, Head of the Academic Writing Center at Caucasus University, conducted webinars for students and academic staff

International Day Against Plagiarism

On February 19, Caucasus University Academic Writing Center joined the International Day Against Plagiarism

The first Project Consortium Meeting

On the 5th of February it was held a “kick off” meeting in the frames of Erasmus plus Capacity Building for Higher Education Institutions project “E-PSY” (Establishing Psychological Consultation Centers for Students) attended by Caucasus University International Relations and Projects Department Director, Irena Melua

Erasmus+ exchange programs, Fall 2021 Semester

Caucasus University is announcing “Call” for applications for the Erasmus+ Exchange programs for Fall 2021 Semester

Meeting in the frames of project "Strengthening the QUAlity and RElevance of the 3rd mission in Georgian Universities (SQUARE)"

On February 17 -18, 2021 was held an online kick-off meeting in the framework of the 2020 Erasmus + call for  Institutional Cooperation Projects – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education (CBHE) "Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the Third Mission in Georgian Universities" with the participation of Caucasus University President, Dr. Kakha Shengelia, Vice- President in the field of research and strategic Development Dr. Boris (Buba) Lezhava and other staff members of Caucasus University

WAAS Conference and General Assembly

On February 16, the World Academy of Arts and Sciences (WAAS) organized a conference and general assembly called "A Planetary Moment" to mark the 60th anniversary of WAAS

Defense of CSM master theses

On February 17, students at the Caucasus School of Media Strategic Communication Program defended their master's theses

TV Pirveli violated the principle of accuracy of information regarding Caucasus University

According to the decision of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, the journalists of TV Pirveli News Service Etuna Intskirveli and Miranda Baghaturia violated the first principle of the Charter of Journalistic Ethics

online lecture course on "Introduction to Humane Pedagogy"

From January 26 to February 9, an online lecture course on "Introduction to Humane Pedagogy" was held within the framework of the Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (the I-VI grades), in partnership with the Amonashvili Academy

Project "European Union Judicial Practices and Georgian Labor Law"

The project "European Union Judicial Practices and Georgian Labor Law" was implemented in partnership with the "European Time" Association and Caucasus University, with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Within the framework of the project, 5 videos were prepared, which thematically presents the labor rights standards in the EU and Georgian legislation:

Master’s Scholarships in France 2021-2022

"Master’s Scholarships in France 2021-2022" is a joint scholarship program implemented between the Government of France and the International Center for Education, based on a Memorandum of Cooperation signed on April 5, 2019 by the Government of France, Campus France and the International Center for Education

Event Dedicated to Safe Internet Day within PEU-C-E

On February 9, at 13:00, an event dedicated to the International Safe Internet Day will be organized by Caucasus University and the University of Business and Technology within the framework of the EU-funded Jean Monnet project " Promoting European Union's Cyber Education - PEU-CE" through the Zoom Platform

Kakha Shengelia's formula for success - the way to the presidency of the IAUP

On February 8, Dr. Kakha Shengelia, President of Caucasus University and the International Association of University Presidents, conducted an online webinar on "Kakha Shengelia's Formula for Success - The Road to the Presidency of the Association of University Presidents" as part of the Innovative Education Center's new section "Success Formula"

Master's Thesis Defense at Caucasus School of Governance (CSG)

On February 8, Caucasus School of Governance held the master’s theses defense of the Master's Degree Programs students in Diplomacy and International Relations and Public Administration. The students submitted their papers to members of the Thesis Preparation and Defense Commission

The First Training within the Framework of Project RURD

On January 25-27 and February 4, in the framework of the ERASMUS + Institutional Development (CBHE) project "Role of Regional Universities in Regional Development" (RURD), a training was held with the participation of Caucasus University President, Dr. Kakha Shengelia, Director of International Relations and Projects Department, Irena Melua, Employees of the Caucasus University Batumi Campus and others

The First Training within the Framework of Project RURD

On January 25-27 and February 4, in the framework of the ERASMUS + Institutional Development (CBHE) project "Role of Regional Universities in Regional Development" (RURD), a training was held with the participation of Caucasus University President, Dr. Kakha Shengelia, Director of International Relations and Projects Department, Irena Melua, Employees of the Caucasus University Batumi Campus and others