On February12, Caucasus School of Governance held a thesis defense for students of Master’s degree program in Public Administration. Students presented their MA theses in front of the thesis defense Commission, professors: Dr. Eka Akobia, Dr. Giorgi Tskhadaia, Dr. Shorena Kakhidze, and Emir Eteria.
Caucasus University hosted the training sessions with the project - Promoting High-Quality Digital Education in Georgia (PRODIGE)
From February 4-6, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Institutional Development Program-funded project "Promoting High-Quality Digital Education in Georgia" (PRODIGE), a series of training sessions was held for representatives of the consortium member universities.
CSH Affiliated Associate Professor Nana Sharikadze was at Johns Hopkins University
Nana Sharikadze, a Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Researcher at Johns Hopkins University, has spent six months delving into the complex interplay of culture, politics, and authoritarianism in Eastern European academic music.
Caucasus University Professor Maksim Iavich at the Quantum Information Technology Workshop
Caucasus University Professor Maksim Iavich presented his research, "Post-Quantum Digital Signatures in Memory-Constrained Environments Using Verkle Trees," at the Quantum Information Technology Workshop (QITW 2025) held at the University of Michigan.
Besik Jajanidze’s PHD thesis defense at the Caucasus School of Governance
On February 10, Caucasus School of Governance held the defense of Besik Jajanidze’s PHD thesis, International Relations PHD program at the Caucasus School of Governance. The PHD candidate presented his thesis on “From Strategic Partnership to Crisis: The Case of Turkey as NATO’s Southern Flagship and the USA”.
Dean of the Tourism School Visited Fulda University of Applied Sciences
In January 2025, Dr. Diko Kopaleishvili, Dean of the Tourism School, visited Fulda University of Applied Sciences in Germany as part of the International Winter University 2025 program, an annual event held in Fulda.
Memorandum of Cooperation with Medical Center "Diomed"
A memorandum of cooperation has been signed between Caucasus University and Medical Center "Diomede". The agreement was formalized by Kakha Shengelia, President of Caucasus University, and Nino Dokhnadze, General Director of the medical center.
Work Visit of the Vice President of Caucasus University to Lille Catholic University, France
During the week of January 27, the Vice President of Caucasus University paid a work visit to its partner institution, Lille Catholic University. Irena Melua was hosted by the Vice President of Lille Catholic University, Ioannis Panoussis.
Mariam Tarasashvili’s PHD thesis defense at the CSG
On February 7, Caucasus School of Governance held the defense of Mariam Tarasashvili’s PHD thesis, International Relations PHD program at the Caucasus School of Governance.
CSB Master's Thesis Defense
On January 31, students of the Caucasus School of Business's Healthcare Management Master's Program successfully defended their master's theses before the commission.
პროექტის - „ქალთა გაძლიერება კიბერუსაფრთხოებაში ევროკავშირის გამოცდილების საშუალებით“ მეორე სესია დაიწყო
წარმატებით დაიწყო ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული, კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტისა და სამეცნიერო კიბერ უსაფრთხოების ასოციაციის პროექტის „ქალთა გაძლიერება კიბერუსაფრთხოებაში ევროკავშირის გამოცდილების საშუალებით“ მეორე სესია - რომელიც ხორციელდება ჟან მონეს მოდულის ფარგლებში.
Lasha Kakashvili’s PHD thesis defense at the Caucasus School of Governance
On February 3, Caucasus School of Governance held the defense of Lasha kakashvili’s PHD thesis, International Relations PHD program at the Caucasus School of Governance.
Old Dominion University Professor's Visit to Caucasus University
On January 31, Caucasus University welcomed Professor Sharon Scanlon, the Program Manager at the Entrepreneurship Center of Old Dominion University.
Visit of AUF’s Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe to Caucasus University
Caucasus University President, Kakha Shengelia, hosted Laure Castin, the Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).
Condolence Letter - Professor Nugzar Skhirtladze
Caucasus University deeply mourns the passing of Mr. Nugzar Skhirtladze, an esteemed professor, a distinguished co-founder and Vice President for Academic Affairs of CU, the head of the Mathematics Department, and a recipient of the Order of Honor.
Visit of CTS professors to Comrat State University (Moldova)
On January 20-24 of the year, Professor Giorgi Bregadze, Affiliate Professor Nato Robitashvili and Assistant Professor Nino Tigishvili were at Comrat State University in ATU Gagauzia, Republic of Moldova and attended the third cycle of training in the framework of the Erasmus + project: Designing Green Tourism Concepts Through Learning (Enricher Hub).
NIMS University Rajasthan Confers Honorary Doctorate upon Kakha Shengelia
From January 25-28, Kakha Shengelia, President of Caucasus University, visited Jaipur, India, upon an honorary invitation.
CMS Alumni Successfully Pass FMGE Exam
Alumni of Caucasus University’s Medical Doctor programe have successfully passed the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE).
CSB team becomes Axel's favorite in the Democratic Technology Hackathon
Within the framework of the hackathon, Axel's favorite team was #Shentsgekheba, comprised of students from the Caucasus School of Business: Nini Aptsiauri, Mariam Magradze, Nini Natsvlishvili and Lasha Tsukhishvili.
Democratic Technology Hackathon at Caucasus University
On January 17-18, Caucasus University hosted the Democratic Technology Hackathon, organized by Startup Büro, UNDER 30 • Forbes Georgia, Axel, and Impact Hub Tbilisi. The DemTech Hackathon aimed to stimulate the use of technology in supporting democratic movements.