On September 26, H.E Marcos Granados Gómez, Charge’ d’Affaires a.i of Spain in Georgia and Mr. Fernando Vera de Rey, Director of Instituto Cervantes, have visited Caucasus University.
Visit of the professor from the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences to Caucasus University
Between September 23-27, Caucasus University hosts Bodo Sturm, Professor of Economics and Quantitative Methods from the Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engioneering of the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
University of Koc Professor’s visit at the Caucasus University
On September 16-20, the Department of International Relations of Caucasus University hosted Professor Pinar Ozbek of Koc University, Turkey, within the framework of the Erasmus+ academic mobility program.
The Delegation of the Caucasus University at the EAIE Conference
The delegation of Caucasus University, under the leadership of the university's president, Kakha Shengelia, is attending the annual EAIE (European Association for International Education) university exhibition in Toulouse, France.
A cooperation agreement signing ceremony between Caucasus University and Sciences Po Toulouse
On September 16th, a cooperation agreement signing ceremony between Caucasus University and Sciences Po Toulouse, France, was held.
Orientation Meeting for International Degree Seeking Students
On September 6, International Relations department of Caucasus University hosted international degree seeking students on the campus.
On September 2nd, International Relations Department hosted students participating in the international exchange programs (Erasmus+/ Bilateral Exchange), who will start their studies from the Fall semester of the current academic year.
IAUP Leadership Development Program for University Presidents
From July 22-25, the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) hosted its fourth consecutive leadership development workshop for newly elected/appointed presidents and leaders in Aarhus, Denmark.
Pre-departure orientation meeting for students participating in exchange programs
On July 22, International Relations Department held an orientation meeting for students participating in the university exchange programs.
Representatives of the University of Coimbra visit at Caucasus University
On July 15-19, Caucasus University hosted the representatives of the Department of International Relations and Faculties of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.