
Workshop for students of the Caucasus University Architecture and Design School

On October 24, two workshops were held for students of the architecture program of Caucasus University School of Architecture and Design - walking and observational practice, collective drawing.

South Africa's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs pays an official visit to Caucasus University

On October 28, Caucasus University hosted a South African delegation led by South Africa's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alvin Botes, and the Ambassadors of the Republic of South Africa to Georgia (with residence in Kiev), Andre Groenewald.

Students of tourism school at "Bread Festival" – Akhaltsikhe

On October 22, the students of the undergraduate tourism program of Caucasus University were in Akhaltsikhe for the fourth "Bread Festival".

New Syllabuses Presentation within the Jean Monnet Module

On October 25, 2022, a meeting was held at the Caucasus University, where the discussed touched a question of the integration and strengthening of EU studies in the MA and BA Law programs within the framework of the new Jean Monnet module ("Europeanization of law programs in Georgia").

New Syllabuses Presentation within the Jean Monnet Module

On October 25, 2022, a meeting was held at the Caucasus University, where the discussed touched a question of the integration and strengthening of EU studies in the MA and BA Law programs within the framework of the new Jean Monnet module ("Europeanization of law programs in Georgia").

15th intake of the Grenoble dual degree MBA program

The 15th intake of the joint double-degree master's program of the Caucasus School of Business and the Grenoble School of Management have begun their studies at Caucasus University on October 22.

Visit of the representative of the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw to Caucasus University

On October 17-21, International Relations Department of Caucasus University hosted Erasmus+ training mobility visit of Mr. Bogdan Gorczyca, Vice-Dean of Faculty of Architecture from the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, Poland.

Presentation of the monograph book - "Challenges of distance learning in universities during the COVID-19 pandemic"

On October 20, the monograph book - "Challenges of distance learning in universities during the COVID-19 pandemic" - was presented in the Caucasus University bookstore  "Librarea"

Professor Richelle Rogers met with the students of Caucasus School of Media

On October 19, Caucasus School of Media Professor Richelle Rogers met with students to talk about the challenges of American media.

"FEFE Cup 2022" Finale.

On October 18, the finale of the football championship "FEFE Cup 2022" was held at the sports field of Caucasus University.

The progress of the education policy initiation process

On October 13, 2022, session #4 of the sectoral council of the interdisciplinary higher education was held, within the framework of which the project of the sectoral characteristics of the education policy, which was initiated by the Caucasus University team, was discussed.

"Media Today" - Media School graduates for students

On October 17, a meeting of CSM graduates and students was held on the topic - "Media Today" in the library of Caucasus University

Musical evening of Sabina Chantouria

On October 13, a musical evening of the young Swedish-Georgian singer Sabina Chantouria was held in the conference hall of the Caucasus University

ERASMUS+ days at Caucasus University, presentation of the new Jean Monnet module

On October 15, during the Erasmus+ days, the presentation of the new Jean Monnet module (2022-2025) - "Seasonal data protection school based on European Union practice - Data Sec School" - was held in the conference hall of Caucasus University.

Integrated lecture of Georgian language and history at Caucasus University

An integrated meeting about the Georgian language and the history of Georgia was held for foreign students at Caucasus University.

ERASMUS+ Days at the Caucasus University

On October 13, 2022, at the Caucasus University, within the framework of Erasmus+ days, two joint events were held - the presentation of the new Jean Monnet Module "Europeanization of Law Programs in Georgia" and the closing of the Jean Monnet Project "The Legal Face of the EU". At the same event, the book "The Bright of the EU Law – Regulation Practice for Georgia", published within the framework of the Jean Monet Project, was presented.

Informational tour at "IBIS BUDGET TBILISI CENTER" hotel

On October 13, another field trip was organized for the freshmen by the Tourism School. This time, the students visited the "IBIS BUDGET TBILISI CENTER" hotel, where they got to know the specifics of the hotel's activities, departments and the main components that are important for the hotel's operation.

Meeting with the representatives of the social platform - Bubbler

On October 13, in the conference hall of the Caucasus University, the students of the Caucasus University met with the representatives of the social network Bubbler.

"Teach for Georgia" project

On October 10, a presentation of the "Teach for Georgia" project, whose partner is the Tbilisi City Hall, was held in the conference hall of the Caucasus University, based on the memorandum of cooperation between the non-governmental organization "Here Now for Freedom" and Caucasus University.