
Cycle of panel discussions on the topic " development of the country and the labor market - challenges of pedagogy 2023"

The Caucasus Education School is implementing a project within the framework of the primary teacher training program from June 20 to July 27, 2022 - a cycle of panel discussions on the topic "Development of the country (economy, democracy, peace) and the labor market - challenges of pedagogy 2023". The project is carried out within the framework of the third mission of Caucasus University, which is the university's contribution to the economic growth of the country and the development of society, community service.


World Cafe - "Country development/labor market and challenges of primary pedagogy"

On June 20, 2023, a meeting - world cafe on the topic "Country development/labor market and challenges of primary pedagogy" was held in the Caucasus University bookstore "Librarea", which was attended by elementary pedagogy students of the Caucasus School of Education; as well as teachers, parents, directors representing the school community, and employers from various fields.

Student Scientific Conference of the School of Education - 2023

On May 17, the second student scientific conference of the School of Education was held at Caucasus University. Key competences for lifelong learning were selected as the main topic of the conference.

"Media Literacy and Citizenship" - a new training course for primary pedagogy students

In the spring semester of 2023, a new study course "Media Literacy and Citizenship" was launched for students of the Integrated Bachelor's and Master's Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (grades I-VI) of Caucasus Education School.


Public discussion of the higher education sectoral characteristics project of education policy

A public discussion of the higher education sectoral characteristics project of education policy, which was developed by the interdisciplinary higher education sectoral council based on the initiative of Caucasus University, will be held online on December 1, 2022, at 16:00.

The progress of the education policy initiation process

On October 13, 2022, session #4 of the sectoral council of the interdisciplinary higher education was held, within the framework of which the project of the sectoral characteristics of the education policy, which was initiated by the Caucasus University team, was discussed.

Primary education and key competencies for lifelong learning

Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (grades I-VI).

Public Lecture Cycle 2021 - Education Challenges

Caucasus School of Education
Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Program for Teachers of Primary Education (grades I-VI).

Education Policy Initiation / Education Interdisciplinary Higher Education Sector Council Meeting

On June 9, the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement held its third meeting of the
Interdisciplinary Higher Education Sectoral Council.

Caucasus Education School Student Scientific Conference

On May 17, the first student scientific conference of Caucasus Education School was held at Caucasus University.